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Jo in lockdown!

One of our altos, Jo Griffiths, has written down some thoughts on how she's coping not being able to sing with the choir:

I am missing singing with my choir family so much. I’m missing learning new music and hearing how wonderful we sound when we get it right and laughing when we don’t. I miss Ryan’s banter with Stewart and anyone in the choir who gets it wrong or talks too much. I miss the friends I’ve made in the relatively short time I’ve been a member and the fact everyone genuinely cares about everyone else.

I miss singing in the concerts we perform and hearing the wonderful soloists Ryan manages to persuade to sing with us. I am a pretty sociable person and I definitely miss our post concert gatherings in local hostelries!

I am so looking forward to getting back to the routine and discipline of making beautiful music and seeing my friends. I am also looking forward to eating cake with them during the break -  I’m hoping for  homemade cake from Ryan or Nick at our next rehearsal.

Stay in and stay safe everyone.


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